About NJSchoolJobs.com
NJSchoolJobs.com has provided an invaluable service to hundreds of public and private school districts in New Jersey since July 1999. NJSchoolJobs.com was created based upon a perceived need on both sides of the hiring spectrum: Applicants needed a user-friendly, integrated website to search for job opportunities in the Pre-K-12 world, and schools/districts required assistance attracting quality staff through an affordable and far-reaching platform. In attempting to help their own district find quality candidates, founders Todd Lawrence, former Teacher of Health & PE, and Pete Barone, former Teacher of Science for Little Egg Harbor Twp. (NJ) School District formulated a plan!
Since its inception, NJSchoolsJobs.com, which currently serves over 2,000 public, charter, parochial and private schools throughout NJ, has become the "go-to" place for advertising the most up-to-date and current job postings for participating districts. In 2004, NJSchoolJobs partnered with Frontline Education to make the advertising process as easy as one click of a button. Districts who use Frontline for their applicant tracking and have an account with NJSchoolJobs.com just need to click "yes" to advertise on NJSchoolJobs.com and drive applicants to their Applitrack system.

We are also a proud member of NJ STRIDE, which is a consortium of New Jersey School Districts focused on the identification, recruitment, hiring, and retention of diverse educators within the member districts. One of our primary historical roles with NJ STRIDE was sponsoring an in-person job fair that was specifically designed and advertised to attract diverse candidates to apply to the member districts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly pivoted and began hosting virtual job fairs for the organization as well as for our own member districts and registered job seekers.