Classroom Aide - Special Education

Greenwich Township School District (Gloucester County) | Gibbstown, NJ


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Posted Date 7/01/2024
Expiration Date8/01/2024
Description JOB DESCRIPTION                                         GREENWICH TOWNSHIP
                                                                          BOARD OF EDUCATION
                                                                  4006  SUPPORT STAFF MEMBERS
JOB TITLE:              Classroom Aide – Special Education
QUALIFICATIONS:                1.         High School Diploma; college-level coursework in education or related  field*
                                                2.         Minimum experience as determined by the board
                                                3.         Demonstrated ability to assist with instructional activities
                                                            and to communicate effectively with students, parents and
                                                            school staff
                                                4.         Knowledge of diverse needs of children with disabilities
                                                            and appropriate special education classroom practices
                                                5.         Required criminal history check and proof of U.S. citizenship
                                                            or legal resident alien status
*In programs funded with federal Title I funds, or in district-wide Title I districts, all paraprofessionals (teaching assistants) hired after January 8, 2002 must complete at least two years of college, obtain an associate’s degree or higher, or pass an evaluation to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to assist in teaching reading, writing, and math. Those hired before that date have until January 8, 2006 to meet one of the requirements.
REPORTS TO:         Certified classroom teacher, principal and Child Study Team Supervisor.
JOB GOAL:              To assist the classroom teacher by working with individual and small groups of
disabled students to provide them with physical help and emotional support as needed to gain optimum benefit from the district’s special education program.
  1. Assists in taking care of the physical needs of the special education pupil, including putting on and taking off outerwear, moving from room to room and using the lavatory.
  1. Assists with individualized instruction and works with small groups of students under the supervision of the special education teacher to reinforce material initially introduced by the teacher.
  1. Assists, where appropriate, in loading and unloading the special education pupil from transportation buses or vans.
  1. Completes clerical duties as assigned by the special education classroom teacher.
  1. Assists pupils with various projects, crafts, curriculum tasks.
  1. Helps with the supervision of children on field trips planned by the teacher
  1. Assists in playground supervision.
8.         Engages children in conversation to encourage language development.

9.        Aids physically handicapped children, particularly those who rely upon appliances and prosthetics.

10.      Performs other appropriate duties as assigned by the special education teacher or building principal directly related to a good learning experience for special education pupils. 

EMPLOYMENT:     Salary and work year to be determined by the board of education.
EVALUATION:       Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of
board’s policy on evaluation of certified staff.
APPROVED BY:      Board of Education                          
DATE:                       August 16, 2010        

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