QUALIFICATIONS?: The Aerospace Science Supervisor/Instructor must possess a
Baccalaureate degree, preferable in education, management or engineering. Is a
retired Air Force Officer (Captain through Colonel), with a minimum of 15 years
extended active duty. Further, a New Jersey Department of Education Teacher of
Military Science Certificate is required.
REPORTS TO: The Aerospace Science Supervisor/Instructor will work directly
under the supervision of the Career and Technical High School Principal unless
otherwise designated by the Superintendent of Schools.
JOB GOALS: The Aerospace Science Supervisor/Instructor will perform duties,
accept responsibilities and meet minimum standards as prescribed for the Air Force
Junior ROTC Program. Further responsibilities will be to directly supervise all cadets
participating in Air Force Junior ROTC field trips or visits which enhance or supplement
the program. The Aerospace Science Supervisor/Instructor will monitor and evaluate
the program and be accountable for the proper development and administration of job
descriptions, specifications, performance standards and work rules that pertains to the
program and unit. The supervisor/instructor will be responsible to teach up to 28 hours
per week when school is in session for students.
PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: The Aerospace Science Supervisor/Instructor
shall have general and specific duties as follows:
1. Manages and administers the AFJROTC Program.
2. Coordinates work with the assistant aerospace science instructors (AASI).
3. Supervises the administrative, logistical and financial management of the unit.
4. Ensures the integration of the AFJROTC program into the school environment by
cooperating with school, community, veterans and parental groups, participating in
student information programs and public service actions and establishing
aerospace science as an integral academic and administrative part of the
5. Makes AFJROTC presentations to local schools.
6. May participate in the interview process with applicants for AFJROTC supervisor III
7. Develops and supervises curriculum in action trips, fundraising and other
co-curricular activities.
8. Maintains liaison with Air Force representatives in logistics, finance and academic
areas to ensure effective utilization of Air Force resources.
9. Teach aerospace science and leadership education courses, conduct leadership
seminars and drill practices, establish a cadet summer work program with
aerospace industry or Air Force installations, update curriculum materials and
lesson plans, develop associated media aids, organize regional AFJROTC instructor
workshops, attend AJFROTC workshops, solicit assistance from support base
personnel, contact government surplus agencies, and brief civic groups,parent-teacher
organizations, and military and school officials.
10.Sponsor new units in the area as assigned.
11.Plans, organizes and instructors aerospace science and leadership education
courses. Organizes a curriculum model to complement the local school curriculum
12.Instructors students to lecture, guided discussion, lecture and discussion, student
briefing or report, student panel, teaching interview, guest lecture, team teaching,
demonstration or performance, role playing and brainstorming using large and small
group interaction.
13.Employs models, graphs, slides, maps, periodicals, films, filmstrips, charts,
transparencies, chalkboard, handouts, and other aids to facilitate student learning.
14.Develops course syllabi, daily and weekly lesson plans, assignments,
demonstrations, training aids, reference materials and any related data to
accomplish course and lesson objectives. Lesson plans will be in the format
directed by the school. When the school does not specify a particular format,
instructors must use the format outlined in the AFJROTC Curriculum Guide.
15.Evaluates student progress, diagnoses individual learning problems and initiates
corrective action, as appropriate. Encourages students through proactive
counseling to complete high school and pursue higher education.
16.Confers with HQ AFROTCO/DOJC regarding course planning and content,
examination procedures, scheduling difficulties, teaching methods and techniques,
and other related areas.
17.Consults with the principal (or designated administrator) on the priority of AFJROTC
within the school and the requirement for space and equipment support for the unit.
18.Evaluates the aerospace science and leadership education program to determine
whether Air Force and school objectives are accomplished.
19.Coordinates with HQ AFROTC and school officials to ensure AFJROTC
20.Ensures effective deployment of cadet officials and supervises cadet operations
and activities.
21.Plans, organizes and directs corps organization.
22.Coordinates AFJROTC installation visits with installation commanders or their
designated representatives for support and services.
23.Ensures cadets participating in AFJROTC trips or visits are directly supervised by
an approved AFJROTC instructor.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: 12 months except for salary compensation. Salary
compensation and salary increases shall be based upon the Board of Education
contract with the United States Air Force in accordance with active duty pay grade
level MIP – Minimum Instructor Pay. Compensation for each month worked shall not
exceed the Minimum Instructor Pay (MIP) as determined by the U.S. Air Force. This
position may be 10 or 12 months, at the discretion of the Board of Education.
EVALUATION: Performance shall be evaluated by the Career and Technical High
School Principal. This evaluation shall be done in accordance with Board of Educationpolicy
and regulation and shall include minimally a mid-year assessment and a written
end of the year evaluation. The input on the evaluation will be based on the day-to-day
supervision, observation and other indicators deemed relevant by the supervisor to
assess and evaluate performance.
(This job description specifies minimal requirements of the job and is not intended to
limit job responsibilities or duties.)