2025 Fall Assistant Coaches

Asbury Park School District | Asbury Park, NJ


Applying to this job will open a new window on the employer's web site to apply there.

Posted Date 2/03/2025
Expiration Date2/13/2025




Football (4)
Soccer-Boys (2)
Soccer-Girls (1)
Volleyball-Girls (1)


MMinimum Qualifications:

  • Must hold a NJDOE Certificate OR current Monmouth County Substitute Certificate
  • Must meet N.J.S.I.A.A. guidelines, showing current CPR/First Aid and AED Certification (Cannot be taken on-line).
  • Must have successful experience in the area which you are applying.
  • All new coaches will have 120 days after being hired to register for the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching (Blended Version) Course.
  • All new coaches will have one year after being hired to successfully complete a course in “Sports First Aid.” Course at NFHSLearn.com or an equivalent taught at a school by a certified instructor/athletic trainer.
  • All new coaches will have one year after being hired to successfully complete a course in “Sports First Aid.” Course at NFHSLearn.com or an equivalent taught at a school by a certified instructor/athletic trainer.
  • Yearly training in Concussion and Heat Acclimatization and Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
  • Coaches currently in place, and/or who have experience coaching in an NJSIAA high school prior to the 2006-2007 school year, will be exempt from provisions 2 and 3 above. (While experienced coaches will not be required to adhere to all of the provisions listed above, it is recommended that all coaches complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching and Sports First Aid Courses.)
  • All certifications mentioned above must be uploaded to your online application. Prior experience in the AREA which you are applying must be noted on your application.  

Job Responsibilities:
  • Conduct all daily practices and maintain daily attendance.
  • Attend all athletic events pertaining to your sport.
  • Ensure that all student-athletes are concussion tested, have completed their physical examination and have been cleared by a physician.
  • Ensure that all student-athletes have on file a Media Consent Form.
  • Ensure that all student-athletes have handed in their signed form by their parent/guardian that was in included in the State’s Concussion Policy.
  • Stipend as per APEA Negotiated Agreement
  • Reports to the Athletic Coordinator/Building Administrator

All appointments and stipends are contingent upon sufficient student participation and state mandated COVID-19 guidelines and NJSIAA regulations.  

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